Hash Suite Droid is a professional password security auditing tool intended primarily for use by system administrators, IT security personnel, and IT security consultants. Hash Suite Droid works off password hashes that the auditor would have copied from a target system in an authorized manner using their legitimate administrative access to said system. Hash Suite Droid cannot obtain hashes on its own, and does not provide instructions for how to obtain hashes - this is something a professional user is supposed to readily possess knowledge on and legitimate privileged access to do.
A secondary use of Hash Suite Droid is educational, working on sample hashes that do not correspond to real passwords.
Hash Suite Droid cannot be used to "hack" into accounts, not even into one's own. This simply doesn't work since you wouldn't have the corresponding hashes. If you're an end-user with a forgotten password, Hash Suite Droid is not for you - sorry.
Hash Suite Droid is, as far as we're aware, the first multi-hash password security auditing tool developed specifically for Android devices:
Supports 13 hash types: LM, NTLM, MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-512, DCC, DCC2, SSHA, md5crypt, bcrypt, sha256crypt, sha512crypt. Imports hashes of these types from text files with each line containing a bare hash or a username:hash pair or being in PWDUMP tools' output format (for LM and NTLM).
Supports WiFi WPA PSK (pre-shared key) with import from pcap or hccapx files.
Can load millions of non-salted hashes at once with good performance.
UI optimizes to screen size: The UI changes depending on the screen size. For example, with small-screen smartphones Hash Suite Droid shows 3 tabs, whereas with tablets it shows all functionality on one screen.
Cracking On: Pressing the power button while cracking shuts down the screen, but the cracking continues. Cracking also continues if the user starts another app. To stop the attack, users need to press the Stop action item or close Hash Suite Droid.
Battery aware: Hash Suite Droid automatically stops attacks when the battery's charge drops below or the temperature rises above a user-defined threshold.
Common "config.db" file: Users can import/export (interchange) the config.db file and use it either on the PC or on the phone or tablet. For example, users can begin an attack on their smartphone/tablet and finish it with Hash Suite for Windows on a PC, or vice versa.
Features similar to the PC version: Rules, compressed wordlists, ability to resume interrupted attacks, high performance (hand-crafted ARM NEON assembly code, GPU cracking via OpenCL), etc. Reports is the only feature currently not supported.